venerdì 4 novembre 2011
lunedì 31 ottobre 2011
lunedì 24 ottobre 2011
giovedì 13 ottobre 2011
Finally cheesecake shopping on line...
mercoledì 12 ottobre 2011
Coming soon...shop on line!!!
mercoledì 5 ottobre 2011
mercoledì 28 settembre 2011
sabato 24 settembre 2011
mercoledì 21 settembre 2011
GIURO CHE DOMANI SMETTO FW collection...And Water Was Black...soon at store...
And the water was black - AW 2012 collection, was also presented at the last Italian male fashion fair - PITTI Uomo, followes avantgarde and total black trends. The aim of the collection is creating a little unisex wardrobe based on conceptual approach to the whole process, where we research new forms to wear our body.
The first collection key words are: WAR, our state of mind, WATER, the way to follow, the TIME to live.
martedì 20 settembre 2011
Kai aakman fw11 now in store...

Designer Bio: Born in Seoul, Korea, Kai-aakmann designer, Soonjin Park studied fashion design in college and upon graduation, started designing for Morris Coming Home. The brand had a unisex element that played to the Park’s interest in creating genderless fashion. She soon launched her own collection, Eloq, which allowed her to develop her own singular design aesthetic. In 2007, Park joined Kai-aakmann, a brand that gave her a larger platform to apply her personal design skills.
Since joining Kai-aakmann, Park plays with the duality of not only male versus female, but avant design and classicism, all with an emphasis on a comfortable and youthful ease. Largely inspired by youth and street culture as well as nature, Park’s design find inspiration from her daily environment, whether it be in the silhouette of a dress or the color palette of the season.

venerdì 16 settembre 2011
mercoledì 14 settembre 2011
venerdì 9 settembre 2011
Daniel Palillo fw 11 ... talking heads

Tagli irregolari, decostruzioni, over size, STRANGE size.
Daniel Palillo nel 2006 circa lancia la sua prima linea, ad Helsinki, ancora uno studente.
In un periodo veramente ristretto la sua moda, anzi la sua “non-conventional moda”, droga non solo tutta la Finlandia, ma inizia a saltare fra Parigi ed Hong Kong. IDEOLOGY-FREE DESIGN è la sua apertura mentale che rende le costruzioni di Daniel del tutto spontanee e naif, ma soprattutto così cariche di entusiasmo e attrazione infantile.
Daniel è colui che può essere definito il vero uomo della rinascita, che spalma e diffonde il suo talento attraverso il suo marchio come se fosse nutella sul pane. I “giochi” del designer nascono dalle attrazioni fra gli opposti, che dopo un’accurata analisi stilistica, riescono a trovare un perfetto equilibrio di tendenza destinato ad imporsi come in un role game.
Ami Daniel Palillo perché riesci ad apprezzare ciò che hai di fronte, ma non puoi mai immaginare cosa accadrà domani. What’s coming next?
giovedì 8 settembre 2011
ODEUR fw 11 ... now at store...
Odeur was founded in Stockholm in 2006 as a brand experiment, using a specific white, light and clean scent instead of a visual logotype to label the graphic and dramatic, yet playful garments. The first collection included a few t-shirt styles that where distributed amongst a few initial clients in Sweden and Japan.
Today Odeur is designed by Petter Hollström and Gorjan Lauseger and has spread to 17 countries, selling jeans, outerwear, accessories and fashion clothing. The collection is represented at, amongst others, Harvey Nichols in Hong Kong, Temporary Showroom in Berlin, Oki-Ni in London and OAK NYC in New York.